Sunday 23 October 2011

Taking the plunge

I've been planning on starting a blog for years. Today I started three.

Two are going to be private. I'd explain why but that would be telling.

But this one is a free for all. Whether anybody else ever reads it is another matter.

The reason why I've been putting off this blogging malarkey is because I just couldn't come up with a theme. I'm not sure what that says about me.

But I've got a goodun now. In fact, two gooduns:

1. After seven years working in London, I'm moving back home to Devon
2. I'm 29 years old and the big 30 is approaching. Wouldn't it be nice to document my 30-year-crisis, as the big day draws closer and I have to madly tick off The List of Things I was meant to Achieve Before Turning 30.

Oh, and I've taken up knitting, which is bound to produce some good blogging material. Hmmmm. Perhaps I'm getting a bit carried away?

Oh, and in a couple of months I'm going to be unemployed to boot. Having taken the plunge to move back to the Devon, reality has kicked in. Forget the Before Turning 30 List. I have a much more pressing list:
1. Find employment (or freelance) in Devon.
2. Find place to live.

Do I really have time to blog?