Tuesday 15 May 2012

Catching up

Oh dear. It's taken me seven months to write my 2nd blog post. The shame.

It's not like I've been twiddling my thumbs though. Promise. Over the last six or so months I have mostly been:
Moving from London to Devon
Buying a house
Baking a baby.

I haven't given turning 30 a second thought. So, I'm afraid I never made that list.

I'm now 34 weeks pregnant, so 6 weeks and counting to go. Not sure how the baby can get any bigger - it's running out of room rapidly and yep, I'm waddling. Just call me Jemima Puddleduck.

I don't know whether to scream in frustration at having to wait another 6-8 weeks to meet Bubba - (sorry for the cheesy name but as we don't know if Bubba's a boy or a girl, saying 'it' isn't very nurturing and 'she-he' just sounds like something dodgy on You Porn) - or, panic at how little time I have to do everything. Even just the pile of labour/birth and baby books by my bed is feeling insurmountable, let alone all the other things: painting the nursery, buying all the STUFF, unpacking the house, weeding the garden... Breathe. Even that word sends me into a spiral - when am I going to have time to practise breathing and relaxation for the birth??!

Well, now you're up to date. I will try my best to beat my current record and check back in within the next 6 months...