Thursday 30 August 2012

Ode to The Boob

Everyone needs a bosom for a pillow
I am a human dummy. The Monkey adores the Boob. He gently caresses it with his malcoordinated fists. Sometimes he takes a dive for it with a hungry grunt. He just cannot get enough of my boobies.

The Boob is the only thing guaranteed to stop tears, or send him off to sleep. Sometimes just having his head resting on my ample bosom - the nipple just in reach - keeps him calm. The Boob is even better than the miracle sling (which seems to be losing its magic touch recently) and comes up trumps against Mummy's Fat Friend's dulcet tones singing George Michael's 'Faith'. Sometimes I catch The Monkey sleep sucking as if he's dreaming of it.

Consequently I have a tendency to shove The Magic Boob into the Monkey's mouth whenever he grumbles. And I think The Monkey may now have an addiction. I swear he gets withdrawal jitters. And he's mastered the art of doing his 'hungry' sign, even when he's clearly full to bursting. I fall for it every time. Like a dummy...

I'm starting to wonder if he'll ever be able to sleep without a quick suckle on the nip. The sensible thing would be for Bubba to suck to his heart's content on a dummy. But, oh no, a dummy isn't nearly as warm and squidgy and comforting as Mummy's boobies. Am I destined to whip the baps out every time he melts down in public? Breastfeeding is one thing. But negotiating the supermarket with a nip poised in wee one's mouth to stop him screaming, is that socially acceptable?


  1. Yes. Yes it is. At least in my world. I'm still shoving the Magic Boob in at 14 months and I swear to god there are some days it is all I have to do to stop myself doing it to my 3 year old when he has a melt down. I am SURE it would still work. I do worry that BUB.2 won't ever go to sleep without it but BUB.1 did not long after the 14 month mark so I might try it soon. But in the meantime I recommend you enjoy your magic trick. Isn't it wonderful to know that you have something that solves all of his worries and fears. Surely that's how it's supposed to be? Don't fight it!

    1. Thanks for your comment. I knew I was on to something. My hubby was a tad skeptical of this parenting style but he's just jealous that he can't perform the same trick! I'll no longer fight it and just enjoy the power of the booby.
